Having a negative credit history can make it difficult to obtain credit, but it does not prevent you from having access to a credit card. Many financial institutions offer alternatives designed specifically for those in this situation, allowing you to recover your financial life more easily.
Next, discover the best credit cards for those with bad credit available on the market in 2024:
PagBank Card
THE PagBank Card It is a practical and affordable solution, as it does not consult the SPC or Serasa at the time of approval.
Main advantages:
- No annual fee;
- Prepaid credit card, which facilitates financial control;
- It can be recharged from the PagBank account.
The request is simple and made directly through the PagBank app.
Santander Superdigital Card
THE Superdigital Santander It is an option aimed at those looking for a card without bureaucracy and with total control over their finances.
- Without consulting the SPC/Serasa;
- It works as a prepaid option, eliminating the risk of debt;
- International, accepted in thousands of establishments.
You can request the card through the Superdigital app, quickly and conveniently.
BMG Card Consigned Card
For retirees, pensioners and public servants, the BMG Card Consigned It is an excellent choice, as it does not carry out credit checks and offers an attractive limit.
Main benefits:
- No annual fees or hidden charges;
- Limit discounted directly from the payroll;
- Lower interest than traditional cards.
The request can be made online on the BMG website, upon proof of employment or retirement.
Neon+ Card
THE Neon+ Card It is another alternative for those who have a negative credit rating and are looking for a simple card, but with modern features.
- No annual fee;
- Available for those with negative credit ratings after analysis of Neon account transactions;
- Intuitive app for controlling expenses and limits.
To request, simply open a Neon digital account and use it regularly.
Banco Pan Consigned Card
THE Pan Consigned Bank It is another option for retirees, pensioners and public servants who need credit even if they have a negative credit rating.
Main features:
- Without consulting SPC/Serasa;
- Limit linked to the assignable margin;
- Internationally accepted.
The request can be made via the website or at physical branches of Banco Pan.
Trigg Prepaid Card
THE Trigg Prepaid Card It is ideal for those looking for a card without future debts, as you set the limit when recharging the balance.
- No credit check;
- Full control via the app;
- Cashback on all purchases.
You can request the card directly on the Trigg website or app.
Mercado Pago Card
THE Mercado Pago Card It is an excellent alternative for those with bad credit who want ease and financial control without giving up benefits.
Why choose Mercado Pago?
- Without consulting SPC/Serasa: Ideal for those with a negative credit history;
- No annual fee: There are no monthly fees;
- Credit function released progressively: As you move your Mercado Pago account and use the prepaid card, there is a chance of enabling the credit function.
The process for acquiring the card is simple: just create an account on Mercado Pago, request the card through the app and start using it in the prepaid or debit versions.
Olé Consigned Card
THE Olé Consigned Card It is another great option for those with bad credit, especially retirees, pensioners and public servants who need credit with advantageous conditions.
Highlights of the Olé Consignado Card:
- Without consulting SPC/Serasa: Quick and straightforward approval;
- Reduced interest: Because it is a loan, the rates are lower than those for traditional cards;
- No annual fee: Save on tariffs;
- Attractive limit: The amount is based on the assignable margin, providing sufficient credit for day-to-day needs.
The request can be made online, directly on the Olé Consignado website, and the credit is deducted directly from the payroll, which facilitates financial control.
Even with a negative credit rating, you can find a credit card that meets your needs and offers interesting benefits. Evaluate the available options, choose the one that best suits your situation and take the first step towards reorganizing your financial life.